Indonesian Kukang Team

Jenny Natalia Simanjuntak
Chair of the Indonesian PATRON Foundation and Program Director Assistant
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Outside Kukang:
Master of Criminal Law student
Personal motto:
“See good in all things.”

Komar Karyadinata Gurusinga
Administrator of the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre and Builder
Outside Kukang:
Construction manager and maintenance worker
Personal motto:
“Life is a struggle.“

Novitasari Br Bangun
Education Coordinator
Outside Kukang:
English teacher
Personal motto:
“Honesty is a source of life success.”

Jhon Kartasima Gurusinga
Field Area Coordinator
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“Let’s protect forests and wildlife for future generations.“

Jesaya Temanta Karo-Karo
Field Worker
Outside Kukang:
Farmer and former slow loris hunter
Personal motto:
“We are fighting today, we will win tomorrow!”

Wayudi Perangin-Angin
Field Worker
Outside Kukang:
Farmer and former slow loris hunter
Personal motto:
“Success will be achieved through learning.”

Purba Tarigan
Slow Loris Keeper
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“Health is the most important thing in life.“

Rosida Br Malau
Slow Loris Keeper
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“Ora Et Labora.”

Martinus Sembiring
Insect Keeper
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“Cohesion can be an important asset for survival.”

Yanty Purba
Assistant in the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“Always have a strong spirit in hard work for the sake of your children.“

Abdul Hadi Sutiono
Security Guard
Outside Kukang:
Personal motto:
“I work hard for the future of my grandchildren, who will come later”

Sipa Wida Lestari
Teacher of English and Environmental Education
Outside Kukang:
Kindergarten and high school teacher
Personal motto:
“Be grateful for what you are today and fight for what you want to be tomorrow.”

Fauziah Rahmi
Teacher of English and Environmental Education
Outside Kukang:
High school teacher
Personal motto:
“Always be grateful.“
International Kukang Team

František Příbrský (CZE)
Director of the Kukang Rescue Program
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Outside Kukang:
Field zoologist and coordinator of international in-situ projects of the Ostrava Zoo
Personal motto:
“Accept life. Keep in mind that you still have some time, but not too much. It's largely up to you what you will do with it.“

Kateřina Holubová (CZE)
Chair of the Czech NGO Kukang Rescue Program, z.s. and Spokeswoman
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Outside Kukang:
Conservation projects and promotion in the Ostrava Zoo
Personal motto:
“If we don't start with ourselves, nothing will ever change.”

Lucie Čižmářová (CZE)
Veterinary Care and Welfare Coordinator, Coordinator of Volunteers, Photographer of the program and the Stolen Wildlife Campaign
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Outside Kukang:
Field zoologist of the Zoo Olomouc
Personal motto:
“Don't say you can't when you don't want to. Because soon the days will come when it will be much worse. For a change, you will want but you will not be able to.“

Luboš Příbrský (CZE)
“Kukang Coffee” Project Coordinator, e-shop, Instagram
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Outside Kukang:
Electrical Engineering
Personal motto:
“You can win if you want.”

Jitka Řezníčková (CZE)
Workshop Coordinator
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Outside Kukang:
Tester of banking applications
Personal motto:
“It's not the mountains we climb, it's us.”

Tereza Šindelářová (CZE)
Promotion and production of bracelets
Outside Kukang:
Government official and animal photographer
Personal motto:
“The biggest enemy of animals is human. But not all people are the same.”

Petr Coufal (CZE)
IT Expert
Outside Kukang:
Website developer, manager of roller skating school
Personal motto:
“Where there's a will, there's a way.“ – Albert Einstein

Tereza Šulcová (CZE)
Event Assistant
Outside Kukang:
Editorial activity
Personal motto:
“Don't stay in the past, don't dream of the future, focus your mind on the present moment.”

Vít Kanyza (CZE)
Cameraman, Lecturer
Outside Kukang:
Documentary filmmaker, cameraman, editor, dreamer and traveller
Personal motto:
“This is life and there will be nothing more!”

Ondřej Smékal (CZE)
Outside Kukang:
Documentary filmmaker, cameraman
Personal motto:
“Everyone wants to do great art, but no one can charge the batteries.“

Alia Zelko (USA - Havaj)
Grant Coordinator
Outside Kukang:
Veterinarian, conservationist, teacher
Personal motto:
“This is the time when we all need to join forces to save the planet.”

Eva Šlosarčíková (CZE)
Organizer of Events for Zoos
Outside Kukang:
Herpetology and conservation activities in non-profit organizations
Personal motto:
“Jump, you will spread your wings later.”

Bára Příbrská (CZE)
Administration and Promotion
Outside Kukang:
Company consultant
Personal motto:
“The biggest mistake you can make in life is to always be afraid you'll make one.“

Jiří Bláha (CZE)
Graphic Designer
Outside Kukang:
Graphic designer at SMART EVENTS, founding member of the non-profit company Neotáčej se zády!, z.s., animal photographer
Personal motto:
“Don't turn your back ...”

Johana Rotterová (CZE)
Expert Advisor
Outside Kukang:
Researcher, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science
Personal motto:
“I mainly observe the world through the eyepieces of a microscope, but I prefer to look at it through the leaves of trees in the jungle. I would like my great-grandchildren to be able to share the second option.”

Denisa Hronová (CZE)
Event Assistant
Outside Kukang:
Student and assistant organizer of the international documentary film festival Life Sciences Film Festival
Personal motto:
“Perfect nature makes sense of our existence. Our life and future is whatever we create. They are the result of our thoughts.“

Emese Angyal (HUN)
Education and Awareness
Outside Kukang:
PhD. sociology student at Corvinus University of Budapest
Personal motto:
“I don't love people less, I love nature more.”

Barbora Tylová (CZE)
Outside Kukang:
Advertising Coordinator
Personal motto:
“Life is great, it's up to the person to observe what's going on around him and learn.“

Stanislav Lhota (CZE)
Scientific Advisor
Outside Kukang:
Primatologist and Environmentalist
Personal motto:
“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” – Elbert Hubbard

Barbora Procházková (CZE)
Scientific Advisor
Outside Kukang:
Leading researcher (GHC Research Institute), assistant professor and pedagogue (3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)
Personal motto:
“Love what you do and do what you love.”

Karolina Nowacka (POL)
Promotion of the program in Poland
Outside Kukang:
Primates Keeper in Wrocław Zoo
Personal motto:
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
Council of Elders
Petr Čolas (in memoriam)
Kukang position:
Program Consultant
Outside Kukang:
Director of the Ostrava Zoo
Radomír Habáň
Kukang position:
Program Consultant
Outside Kukang:
Director of the Olomouc Zoo
David Nejedlo
Kukang position:
Program Consultant
Outside Kukang:
Director of the Liberec Zoo, founder of Veterinarians Without Borders of the Czech Republic
Martin Krug
Kukang position:
Program Consultant
Outside Kukang:
Director of the Hodonín Zoo
Tony Sumampau
Kukang position:
Program Consultant
Outside Kukang:
Owner and Director of Taman Safari Indonesia Group, General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Zoos and Aquariums (PKBSI)
and many other great people who volunteer to help, such as Louise Fletcher, Kristýna Nováková, Barbora Tesařová, Markéta Jariabková, Francis Cabana, Martin Starý, Monika Lipinová, Michal Gálik, Marcela Vosáhlová, Romana Albrechtová, Jakub and Lucie Černý, Michal Wasserbauer, Tomáš Ouhel, Michal and Lucie Schultz, Ondřej Král, Matin Molzký, Viera Madajová, Karolina Nowacka, Martina Anandam, Arif, Setiawan, Tomas Tarigan, Denisa Mikešová, Tomáš Bušina, Petra Suchomelová, Tomáš Hnida, Kristýna Korecová, Jan Vimmer, Eva Čižmářová, Eva Vozabulová, Daniel Koleška, Vlaďka Bačová, Ivana Šulcová, Jana Kanichová, David Číp, Lenka Procházková, Michal Grunt, Veronika Štěpánková Pinková, Lucie Pavlačíková, Richard Viduna, Lenka Slabá, Alena Horylová and many others!